Ex parte GIBSON - Page 2

          Appeal No. 97-0113                                                          
          Application No. 08/083,987                                                  

          Patent No. 3,131,132), Niebruegge et al. and Latimer.                       
          Technically, claim 1 also remains in the application, although              
          applicant has withdrawn this claim from the appeal.  See the                
          Appeal Brief, page 2, first paragraph.  Accordingly, the appeal             
          with respect to claim 1 is dismissed.  On return of this                    
          application to the Examining Group, both applicant and the                  
          examiner should ensure that claim 1 is canceled from the                    
               On consideration of the record, including applicant's Appeal           
          Brief (Paper No. 19), the Examiner's Answer (Paper No. 20) and              
          the Reply Brief (Paper No. 21), it is                                       
                    ORDERED that the examiner's decision rejecting claims             
          2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 16 on both prior art grounds is reversed.                 
               The Latimer reference, entitled "Vapor-Phase Hydration of              
          Olefins to Alcohols in Series Reactors With Intermediate Alcohol            
          Removal," is not within the field of applicant's endeavor.  Nor             
          is this reference reasonably pertinent to the particular problem            
          with which applicant was involved, namely, the color                        
          contamination of alkanolamines or alkyleneamines.  Accordingly,             
          we find that Latimer is from a non-analogous art.  In re Wood,              
          599 F.2d 1032, 1036, 202 USPQ 171, 174 (CCPA 1979).                         
               Assuming arguendo that Latimer is not from a non-analogous             
          art, nevertheless, we agree with applicant that both prior art              

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