Ex parte GIBSON - Page 3

          Appeal No. 97-0113                                                          
          Application No. 08/083,987                                                  

          rejections are predicated on the impermissible use of hindsight.            
          The examiner has not established that a person having ordinary              
          skill in the art, armed only with the cited references and not              
          relying on information imparted by the specification, would have            
          arrived at the claimed subject matter as a whole.  The examiner             
          has not established that a person having ordinary skill would               
          have arrived at the method defined in independent claim 16,                 
          including the limitation that added water is maintained in the              
          liquid phase at a temperature of 201 to about 230EC and a                   
          pressure of about 1 to about 100 psig, based only on teachings              
          found in the prior art.                                                     

                      SHERMAN D. WINTERS                  )                           
                      Administrative Patent Judge         )                           
                      FRED E. McKELVEY                    ) BOARD OF PATENT           
                      Senior Administrative Patent Judge )   APPEALS AND              
                                                          )  INTERFERENCES            
                      CHUNG K. PAK                        )                           
                      Administrative Patent Judge         )                           

          Union Carbide Chemicals                                                     
          & Plastics Co., Inc.                                                        
          Law Dept. E205                                                              
          39 Old Ridgebury Rd.                                                        
          Danbury, CT  06817-0001                                                     

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Last modified: November 3, 2007