Ex parte DONATI - Page 5

          Appeal No. 97-0441                                                          
          Application No. 08/511,841                                                  

          positions articulated by appellant and the examiner.  As a                  
          consequence of our review, we have made the determination that              
          the examiner’s position is not supported by the applied prior               
          art references and will therefore not be sustained.  Our                    
          reasons follow.                                                             

          Like appellant, when we consider the collective teachings                   
          of Kimball and Veal, we find nothing therein which would have               
          been suggestive to one of ordinary skill in the art of                      
          substituting or employing the float operated, adjustable                    
          signal means of Veal, seen in Figures 8, 12A and 12B, in place              
          of the float (28) and switch (29) of Kimball.  In our opinion,              
          the examiner’s position is based on impermissible hindsight                 
          gleaned from appellant’s own disclosure and not from any fair               
          teaching or suggestion found in the applied patents                         
          themselves.  Absent the disclosure of the present application,              
          it is our opinion that one of ordinary skill in the art would               
          not have been motivated by the teachings of the applied prior               
          art to modify the toilet flushing system of Kimball in the                  
          manner urged by the examiner so as to arrive at the subject                 


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