Ex parte DEAL - Page 5

                Appeal No. 97-1088                                                                                                            
                Application 08/518,957                                                                                                        

                         The appellant’s arguments to the contrary rest on a                                                                  
                purported failure of West to meet the elongated solid bead                                                                    
                limitations.  In this regard, the appellant submits that “West                                                                
                does not have a ‘bead’ which is a separate element from the panel                                                             
                section 5" (main brief, page 7), that West’s compound 8 “is shown                                                             
                in the drawings to be a particulate, which is not elongated and                                                               
                which does not form a solid bead” (main brief, page 8), and that                                                              
                “[t]he raised lettering of West is not intended to be a gripping                                                              
                surface” (main brief, page 9).  None of these arguments is                                                                    
                         To begin with, claim 1 does not actually call for the beads                                                          
                to be “separate” from the panel member.  In any event, however,                                                               
                West’s compound 8 and panel member or body section 5 are                                                                      
                certainly “separate” under the ordinary and accustomed meaning of                                                             
                this term.   The compound 8 as it exists in the West label also3                                                                                                            
                forms elements which can reasonably be described as being “solid                                                              
                beads” under the ordinary and accustomed meanings of these                                                                    

                         3 Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (G. & C. Merriam Co.                                                           
                1977) defines the term “separate” as meaning “existing by itself”                                                             
                or “dissimilar in nature or identity.”                                                                                        

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