Ex parte PEREZ - Page 7

          Appeal No. 97-1476                                         Page 7           
          Application No. 08/458,689                                                  

          to the subcombination of the apparatus as shown in Figure 1                 
          for use with an unclaimed plant receptacle.  The mere fact                  
          that claims 11-13 recite further details of the unclaimed                   
          plant receptacle with which the claimed apparatus is intended               
          to be used does not render the claims indefinite.  Thus, it is              
          our determination that claims 1 through 13 do define the metes              
          and bounds of the claimed invention with a reasonable degree                
          of precision and particularity.  Accordingly, the decision of               
          the examiner to reject claims 1 through 13 under 35 U.S.C. §                
          112, second paragraph, is reversed.                                         

          The obviousness issue                                                       
               We do not sustain the rejection of claims 1 through 20                 
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                                                      

               The examiner determined (answer, pp. 4-5 and 7) that                   
          Hawkins failed to teach the drawstring means as recited in                  
          independent claims 1 and 14 and the drawing means as recited                
          in independent claim 8.  The examiner then concluded that it                
          would have been obvious to one having ordinary skill in the                 
          art to modify Hawkins to have a drawstring based upon                       

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