Ex parte ARBUCKLE - Page 4

          Appeal No. 97-2780                                                          
          Application 08/456,109                                                      

          the base since this would allow additional information to be                
          displayed with regard to the balls placed on the base”                      
          (answer, page 4). With regard to the difference pertaining to               
          the material used to form the displayed objects, the examiner               
          asserts that because “soft foam rubber balls are well known in              
          the art, it is considered to have been obvious to one [of                   
          ordinary skill] in the art to modify Alton by using soft foam               
          rubber balls instead of baseballs since foam balls are just                 
          one of the many types of balls that could be stored on the                  
          base” (emphasis added; answer, page 4). The  examiner                       
          additionally maintains on page 5 of the answer that “[i]t is                
          considered to be within one skilled in the art [sic, within                 
          the skill of the art] to place any known type of spherical                  
          object on the stand of Alton . . .”                                         

               Even if it is assumed arguendo that it would have been                 
          obvious to provide labels on Alton’s base, we nonetheless                   
          cannot agree that the examiner has made out a prima facie case              
          of obviousness with respect to the claimed subject matter. In               
          the first place, the mere fact that Alton’s display device                  
          “could be” modified to form the balls from a soft foam                      

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