Ex parte RAJALA et al. - Page 16

          Appeal No. 97-3065                                        Page 16           
          Application No. 08/452,747                                                  

               Plasma discloses a coating material that provides wear                 
          resistance, excellent release and excellent web tracking                    
          properties.  Plasma teaches that their coating is used to                   
          replace "cured fluorocarbons, silicone coatings/tapes, Teflon®              
          tape/sleeve, rubber coverings and chrome plating."  Plasma                  
          also discloses that their coating can be applied to laminator               
          rolls, oven rolls and idler rolls.                                          

               After the scope and content of the prior art are                       
          determined, the differences between the prior art and the                   
          claims at issue are to be ascertained.  Graham v. John Deere                
          Co., 383 U.S. 1, 17-18, 148 USPQ 459, 467 (1966).                           

              Based on our analysis and review of Ales and the claims                
          under appeal, it is our opinion that the only difference is                 
          that the outer working surfaces of drum 102 and roller 152 do               
          not have the claimed protuberances thereon.                                 

               In our opinion, it would have been obvious to one of                   
          ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made                
          to have coated the outer working surfaces of drum 102 and                   

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