Ex parte KIDWELL - Page 5

          Appeal No. 97-3295                                                          
          Application No. 08/424,759                                                  

          appellant believes his invention to be an improvement.  This                
          reference discloses a body support surface that has contours                
          to conform to the contours of the body of the user.  However,               
          we do not agree with the examiner that the body support                     
          surface is “inclined” with respect to the planar surface that               
          it is to rest upon, as required by the claim, considering the               
          interpretation set forth above which we have held should be                 
          applied to this term.                                                       
               The rejection of claim 20 fails at this point, for the                 
          deficiency in Groenewald is not alleviated by the teachings of              
          De Fries.  The relevance of this secondary reference extends,               
          at most, to its teaching of providing a storage compartment in              
          a head rest/blanket combination useable for reclining on a                  
               Thus, the combined teachings of Groenewald and De Fries                
          fail to establish a prima facie case of obviousness with                    
          respect to the subject matter recited in independent claim 20,              
          and thus the rejection of this claim and claims 6 and 8, which              
          depend therefrom, cannot be sustained.                                      
               Adding Lerman, which is cited for its teaching of                      
          providing a cushion with an opening to function as a handle,                

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