Ex parte BOUDREAU et al. - Page 14

          Appeal No. 97-4185                                        Page 14           
          Application No. 08/602,274                                                  

          of the examiner to reject claim 3, as well as claims 4 and 12               
          dependent thereon, under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is reversed.                       

          Claims 5 to 7                                                               
               Dependent claim 5 adds to parent claim 1 the limitation                
          that holding means for securing a glove are located on the                  
          thumb element adjacent the spring member.                                   

               The examiner stated (answer, p. 4) that "the use of                    
          protrusions for better gripping is considered an obvious                    
          expedient known in the art."                                                

               The appellants argue (brief, p. 13) that the examiner's                
          position is totally unsupported by the record.  We agree.  In               
          that regard, the examiner has not provided any evidence that                
          establishes that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary              
          skill in the art at the time the invention was made to provide              
          protrusions (i.e., holding means) on the thumb element                      
          adjacent the spring member.  The mere existence of protrusions              
          for gripping does not, in and of itself, establish the                      
          obviousness of the claimed holding means.  Thus, the examiner               

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