Ex parte BOUDREAU et al. - Page 10

          Appeal No. 97-4185                                        Page 10           
          Application No. 08/602,274                                                  

          Additionally, we find that the lower planar surface of Ross's               
          glove drier is attached to and extends beyond a lower portion               
          of the planar hand-shaped form (i.e., the palm supporting area              
          10 and digits 11, 12, 13 and 14) and consists of a                          
          substantially continuous surface for receiving indicia.  In                 
          that regard, it is our determination that the area of the                   
          lower planar surface of Ross's glove drier shown below glove                
          body 27 is clearly capable of receiving indicia.                            

               Second, we do not agree with the appellants' argument                  
          that the combined teachings of Ross and Sutton would not have               
          suggested the claimed thumb element connected to the palm                   
          portion by a spring member.  It is our opinion that Sutton's                
          teaching of connecting a thumb element (i.e., thumb supporting              
          member 36) to the palm portion (i.e., palm supporting portion               
          12) by a spring member (i.e., flexible rib 50) does provide                 
          sufficient motivation to one skilled in the art to have                     
          modified Ross's glove drier as set forth above.                             

               For the reasons set forth above, the decision of the                   
          examiner to reject claim 1 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is affirmed.               

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