Ex parte SCHMIDT - Page 4

          Appeal No. 98-1183                                         Page 4           
          Application No. 08/352,513                                                  

               Initially we note that the appellant on page 4 of the                  
          brief has grouped the claims as standing or falling together                
          in the following manner: Group I, claims 1 through 7 and 9,                 
          and Group II, claims 8 and 10 through 13.  However, the                     
          appellant has provided a separate argument on page 9 of the                 
          brief for the patentability of claim 13.  Accordingly, we will              
          not treat claim 13 as being within the second grouping of                   
          claims.  Instead claim 13 will be treated separately.  In                   
          accordance with 37 CFR                                                      
          § 1.192(c)(7), we have selected claim 1 as the representative               
          claim from Group I and claim 8 as the representative claim                  
          from Group II.  Thus, we will review claims 1, 8 and 13 to                  
          decide the appeal on the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                   

               In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given                 
          careful consideration to the appellant's specification and                  
          claims, to the applied prior art references, and to the                     
          respective positions articulated by the appellant and the                   
          examiner.  Upon evaluation of all the evidence before us, it                
          is our conclusion that the evidence adduced by the examiner is              

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