Ex parte GENATOSSIO - Page 21

                 Appeal No. 98-2069                                                                                                                     
                 Application No. 29/052,369                                                                                                             

                 under the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.   The issues                        8                                                   
                 decided in Fee were whether the appellants' design claim was                                                                           
                 properly rejected under double patenting and that the                                                                                  
                 application lacks a sufficient disclosure.  The Court in Fee                                                                           
                 did not decide the issue of whether the use of "substantially"                                                                         
                 in a design claim renders the claim indefinite under the                                                                               
                 second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.  The issue decided in                                                                             
                 Levy was whether the appellant's design claim was obvious over                                                                         
                 the prior art.  The Court in Levy did not decide the issue of                                                                          
                 whether the use of "substantially" in a design claim renders                                                                           
                 the claim indefinite under the second paragraph of                                                                                     
                 35 U.S.C. § 112.  The issues decided in Rubinfield were                                                                                
                 whether the appellant could present multiple embodiments and                                                                           
                 multiple claims in a design application.  The Court in                                                                                 
                 Rubinfield did not decide the issue of whether the use of                                                                              
                 "substantially" in a design claim renders the claim indefinite                                                                         
                 under the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.  The issues                                                                             
                 decided in Super Products were whether the appellants' design                                                                          

                          8We note that the Court's dicta that the claim on appeal                                                                      
                 is of the form prescribed in design patent applications is not                                                                         
                 controlling and is inaccurate since Rule 153(a) did not permit                                                                         
                 the use of the word "substantially" in a design claim.                                                                                 

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