Ex parte GENATOSSIO - Page 26

          Appeal No. 98-2069                                                          
          Application No. 29/052,369                                                  

          patent is a precedent of much moment."); Ex parte Tayama, 24                
          USPQ2d 1614, 1618 (Bd. Pat. App. & Int. 1992) (prior issuance               
          of patents for designs referred to as icons has no significant              
          precedential value in evaluating compliance with 35 U.S.C. §                
          171).  Compliance with §§ 112 and 171 requires analysis of the              
          statutes and interpretation of case law.  Mere reference to                 
          possibly contrary decisions of an examiner in other                         
          applications, applications in which the issue raised here was               
          not even addressed, are not helpful in this analysis.                       
          Furthermore, it is debatable whether or not this data                       
          establishes that for which it is cited.  In any event, the                  
          appellant does not contend, and it is not apparent to us, that              
          these design patents and utility patents constitute evidence                
          establishing that a designer of ordinary skill in the relevant              
          art would understand the metes and bounds of the appellant's                
          design claim when read in light of the appellant's                          

               On page 6 of the brief and pages 1-2 of the reply brief,               
          the appellant cites Gorham Mfg. Co. v. White, 81 U.S. (14                   
          Wall) 511, 528 (1872) for the proposition that "the settled                 

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