ENGVALL et al. V. DAVID et al. - Page 64

                                                         FINAL JUDGMENT                                                                    
                        Judgment as to the subject matter of the sole count in this interference is awarded against                        
                Junior Party Engvall et al.  Eva S. Engvall, Erikki I. Ruoslahti and Marjatta Uotila are not entitled                      
                to a patent including claims 1 to 45 of their application 06/539,754 corresponding to the sole count                       
                of this interference.  On this record, Gary S. David and Howard E. Greene are entitled to claims 1                         
                to 29 of their U.S. Patent 4,376,110 corresponding to the sole count of this interference.                                 

                                MARY F. DOWNEY                              )                                                              
                                Administrative Patent Judge                 )                                                              
                                FRED E. McKELVEY                            ) BOARD OF PATENT                                              
                                Senior Administrative Patent Judge          )      APPEALS AND                                             
                                                                            )     INTERFERENCES                                            
                                RICHARD E. SCHAFER                          )                                                              
                                Administrative Patent Judge                 )                                                              
                cc:     Maurice B. Stiefel, Esq.                                                                                           
                        Bryan, Cave, McPheeters & McRoberts                                                                                
                        245 Park Avenue                                                                                                    
                        New York, NY  10167-0034                                                                                           

                        Charles E. Lipsey, Esq.                                                                                            
                        Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,                                                                                      
                        Garrett & Dunner                                                                                                   
                        1300 I Street, N.W.                                                                                                
                        Washington, DC  20005-3315                                                                                         


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