MAYO V. THORNER et al. - Page 2

          Interference No. 103,706                                                    

                       ENTRY OF ADVERSE JUDGMENT AGAINST MAYO                         
               Upon consideration of ABANDONMENT OF CONTEST (Paper No.                
          34), wherein                                                                
                    Kelly E. Mayo, the junior party to the above                      
               interference, hereby abandons the contest as to                        
               Count 1 in the interference under the provisions of                    
               37 CFR      § 1.662(a)[,]                                              
          it is                                                                       
                    ORDERED that judgment as to Count 1, the sole count               
          in issue, is awarded against junior party Kelly E. Mayo.                    
                    FURTHER ORDERED that judgment as to Count 1 is                    
          awarded in favor of senior party Michael O. Thorner, Bruce D.               
          Gaylinn, John R. Zysk and Cecil M. Eppler.                                  
                    FURTHER ORDERED that junior party Kelly E. Mayo is                
          not entitled to a patent containing claims 26 and 29 which                  
          correspond to Count 1.                                                      
                    FURTHER ORDERED that, on the record before the                    
          Patent and Trademark Office in this interference, senior party              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007