Ex parte KLINGNER - Page 2

           Appeal No. 95-1908                                                                     
           Application 07/890,620                                                                 

                 Claims 1 and 18 are representative and are reproduced                            
                 1. A device discrete from and usable with protective                             
           clothing or equipment worn by a user for detecting the                                 
           breakthrough of the protective clothing or equipment by a                              
           contaminant, said device comprising: a reaction pad having                             
           obverse and reverse sides, reagent means carried by said                               
           reaction pad and responsive to the presence of the contaminant                         
           for producing a visible indication, a barrier layer impervious                         
           to said reagent means covering said reverse side of said                               
           reaction pad, and attachment means coupled to said reaction                            
           pad for removably mounting it between the user and the                                 
           protective clothing or equipment being tested so that in use                           
           said obverse side is adjacent to the inside of the protective                          
           clothing or equipment for exposure to a contaminant which                              
           breaks through the protective clothing or equipment.                                   
                 18.  A method for detecting the breakthrough by a                                
           contaminant of protective clothing or equipment worn by a                              
           user, said method comprising the steps of: providing a pad                             
           having obverse and reverse sides and carrying a reagent                                
           responsive to the presence of the contaminant for producing a                          
           visible indication, sealing the reverse side of the pad to                             
           prevent escape of chemicals therefrom, and removably mounting                          
           the pad between the user and the protective clothing or                                
           equipment being tested so that the obverse side is adjacent to                         
           the inside of the protective clothing or equipment for                                 
           exposure to a contaminant which breaks through the protective                          
           clothing or equipment.                                                                 

                 The reference of record relied upon by the examiner is:                          
           Cukier                       4,910,803                    Mar. 27, 1990                


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