Ex parte KLINGNER - Page 3

           Appeal No. 95-1908                                                                     
           Application 07/890,620                                                                 

                 The appealed claims stand rejected for obviousness                               
           (35 U.S.C. § 103) over Cukier.                                                         
                 We cannot sustain the stated rejection.                                          
                 The subject matter on appeal is directed to a detection                          
           device for testing gloves or other protective clothing or                              
           equipment for breakthrough by a contaminant such as a                                  
           hazardous workplace chemical.  The claimed device includes a                           
           pad carrying a reagent which is responsive to the contaminant                          
           for producing a color change.  A barrier layer covers the                              
           reverse side of the pad to prevent escape of the chemicals,                            
           and an attachment means is coupled to the reaction pad for                             
           removably mounting the pad between the user and the protective                         
           clothing or equipment being tested.  The attachment means may                          
           take the form of an adhesive strip which is secured to the                             
           barrier layer for attachment of the pad either to the skin of                          
           the user or to the inside of the glove or other clothing.  In                          
           use, the obverse side of the pad is adjacent to the inside of                          
           the protective clothing or equipment for exposure to a                                 
           contaminant which may break through the protective clothing or                         
           equipment.  Importantly, the device is claimed as “discrete                            
           from” the protective clothing worn by the user or the                                  

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Last modified: November 3, 2007