Ex parte BATE et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-4577                                                          
          Application No. 08/001,192                                                  

               We refer to the brief and to the answer for a complete                 
          exposition of the opposing viewpoints expressed by the                      
          appellants and the examiner concerning this rejection.                      
               Because the examiner has failed to carry his initial                   
          burden of establishing a prima facie case of obviousness, the               
          above noted rejection can not be sustained.                                 
               According to the examiner, the non-stick characteristic                
          recited in the appealed claims would be inherently possessed                
          by the composition of Yoshimura.  It is well settled, however,              
          that an examiner must provide some evidence or scientific                   
          reasoning to establish the reasonableness of his or her belief              
          that the functional limitation of a claim, such as the here                 
          claimed non-stick feature, is an inherent characteristic of                 
          the prior art.  Ex parte Skinner, 2 USPQ2d 1788, 1789 (Bd.                  
          Pat. App. & Int. 1986).  In the case before us, the examiner                
          has advanced no such evidence or reasoning and thus has failed              
          to establish a prima facie case for his inherency position.                 
               With regard to the here claimed coating thickness                      
          limitation of up to 50 microns, the examiner simply states                  
          that "[t]he [Yoshimura] composition can be applied such as                  


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