Ex parte BATE et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-4577                                                          
          Application No. 08/001,192                                                  

          coatings having thickness of a film of 50 microns" (answer,                 
          page 7; emphasis added).  The mere fact that patentee's                     
          "composition can be applied" at a thickness of 50 microns is,               
          by itself, inadequate to establish obviousness.  This is                    
          because the capability of so modifying the prior art would not              
          have made the modification obvious unless the prior art                     
          suggested the desirability of the modification.  In re Gordon,              
          733 F.2d 900, 902, 221 USPQ 1125, 1127 (Fed. Cir. 1984).  In                
          this latter regard, the appellants are correct that the                     
          Yoshimura reference would have militated against rather than                
          for such a thickness (e.g., see the last full paragraph in                  
          column 1 and the paragraph bridging columns 1 and 2 of the                  
               Finally, the examiner has failed to establish a prima                  
          facie case with the respect to the cooking article feature of               
          appealed claim 29.  While the examiner seems to appreciate                  
          that claim 29 contains such a feature (see the second full                  
          sentence on page 8 of the answer), he has offered no evidence               
          or reasoning in support of a conclusion that it would have                  
          been obvious to so modify the subject matter of Yoshimura as                
          to result in a cooking article as required by the claim under               


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