Ex parte LA LONDE et al. - Page 2

               Appeal No. 97-0055                                                                                                     
               Application 08/430,111                                                                                                 

               assembling a product that has components.                                                                              

                       Claim 31 is illustrative of the claimed invention, and it read as follows:                                     

                       31.  A method, performed by a computer, for assembling a product having components, the                        
               method comprising the steps of:                                                                                        

                       (a) providing one or more abstract assembly steps for assembling the product, the abstract                     
               assembly steps containing variable portions for assembling the product with potentially different                      
               configurations, the variable portions including variable parameters capable of representing different                  
               component information;                                                                                                 

                       (b) obtaining a configuration model corresponding to a requested configuration of the product,                 
               the configuration model including one or more of the component information lines corresponding to one                  
               or more components utilized in the requested configuration; and                                                        

                       (c) applying the configuration model to the abstract assembly steps provided for assembling the                
               product by inserting component information from the component information lines into the variable                      
               parameters of the variable portions of the abstract assembly steps to produce one or more assembly                     
               instructions for assembling the  product to have the requested configuration.                                          

                               The reference relied on by the examiner is:                                                            

               Sakamoto et al. (Sakamoto)                  5,341,304                  Aug. 23, 1994                                   
                                                      (effective filing date Apr. 23, 1991)                                          

                       Claims 22 through 38 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by                           


                       Claims 22 through 40 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                           


                       Reference is made to the brief and the answer for the respective positions of the appellants and               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007