Ex parte YOON et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 97-4119                                         Page 8           
          Application No. 08/369,545                                                  

          by Tovey.  This reference discloses a device for deploying a                
          mesh implant adjacent to body tissue to which it is to be                   
          fastened, in procedures such as the repair of a hernia.  The                
          mechanism that deploys the net includes members that are                    
          mechanically biased to the open position.  However, even if it              
          is conceded that the device is inserted into an “obstructed                 
          site,” it is our view that the reference does not support the               
          conclusion that the net and its positioning arms “displaces the             
          anatomical tissue to create a space” at the obstructed site                 
          when moved into its expanded position, as is required by claim              
          52.  In this regard, the expanding members are wires and the                
          net is a planar sheet, and the reference does not explicitly                
          state that these elements move tissue aside to create a space               
          nor, in our opinion, can it be assumed that such is the                     
          inherent result.                                                            
               The rejection of claims 52 and 53 is not sustained.                    
               While we have carefully considered all of the arguments                
          presented by the appellants, they have not convinced us that                
          the rejection of claims 1, 7, 14, 15, 17 and 40 should not be               
          sustained.  Our position with regard to these arguments should              
          be apparent from the foregoing recitations.                                 

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