Ex parte BSCHORR et al. - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 1998-1452                                                                                                                   
                 Application 08/408,006                                                                                                                 

                          The references relied upon by the examiner as evidence of                                                                     
                 obviousness are:                                                                                                                       
                 Lynch                      3,159,886                                    Dec. 8, 1964                                                   

                 Nozaki                                       4-163,226                           June 8, 1992                                          
                 Japanese Patent Document3                                                                                                              
                          The appealed claims stand rejected as follows:                                                                                
                          a) claims 1, 2, 4 through 7 and 11 under 35 U.S.C. §                                                                          
                 103(a) as being unpatentable over Nozaki;  and                            4                                                            
                          b) claims 1, 2, 12 and 13 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                                                                         
                 being unpatentable over Nozaki in view of Lynch.5                                                                                      

                          3An English language translation of this reference,                                                                           
                 prepared on behalf of the Patent and Trademark Office, is                                                                              
                 appended hereto.                                                                                                                       
                          4The examiner has withdrawn the 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)                                                                            
                 alternative to this rejection which was set forth in the final                                                                         
                 rejection (see page 3 in the examiner’s answer, Paper No. 17).                                                                         

                          5This particular rejection was entered for the first time                                                                     
                 in the examiner’s answer (Paper No. 17) in contravention of                                                                            
                 the pertinent PTO practice in effect at the time.  Given the                                                                           
                 nature of the arguments advanced in the appellants’ main and                                                                           
                 reply briefs (Paper Nos. 16 and 18), the examiner’s failure to                                                                         
                 follow proper procedure in making the rejection has not put                                                                            
                 the appellants at any disadvantage.  Since the 35 U.S.C. §                                                                             
                 102(b) rejection of claims 12 and 13 as being anticipated by                                                                           

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