RUTTER et al. V. MURRAY - Page 2

          Interference No. 104,031                             Paper No. 23          
          Rutter v. Murray                                           Page 2          
          interference because Rutter's species are not obvious in view              
          of Murray's genus.  This contention is consistent with a                   
          determination in a previous interference (101,793) that the                
          species is separately patentable from the genus.  It is also               
          consistent with a statement in the examiner's statement under              
          37 CFR § 1.609 that "The Murray invention does not anticipate              
          nor render obvious that of Rutter et al."  Based on these                  
          facts, the present interference cannot be maintained.                      
          Nevertheless, questions involving the patentability of                     
          Murray's claims were raised (see Paper No. 2) and persist in               
          the face of the responses from the parties (see Paper No. 22).             
          Consequently, a recommendation under 37 CFR § 1.659(c) is                  
               Upon consideration of the record of this interference, it             
               ORDERED that judgment be awarded to both parties; and                 
               FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this decision be given a               
          paper number and be entered in the administrative record of                
          each of Rutter's involved patents and Murray's involved                    
          applications; and it is                                                    
               RECOMMENDED that the examiner on assuming jurisdiction                
          over the Murray applications consider                                      

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Last modified: November 3, 2007