MEHROTRA et al. V. MEHROTRA et al. V. SUZUKI et al. V. - Page 24

          Interference No. 102,712                                                    

          any other” embodiment within the scope of the preferred                     
          materials and processing parameters disclosed in his                        
          application.  Instead, it is at least as likely that he                     
          considered WG-300 to be merely representative of the preferred              
          category of substrates; and chose it for testing purposes                   
          because of its ready availability as an “off-the-shelf” item.               
                     V. Augustine’s Motion to Suppress Evidence                       
               We find it unnecessary to consider the specific                        
          objections to the admissibility of evidence raised in the                   
          motion since we have found that Augustine prevails in this                  
          interference with regard to all of the substantive issues                   
          raised at final hearing even when considering the evidence in               
               For the foregoing reasons, judgment as to the subject                  
          matter of the sole count in issue is hereby awarded to                      
          Augustine, the senior party.                                                
               Accordingly, Augustine is entitled to a patent containing              
          claims 1-60 corresponding to the count.  Junior party Suzuki                
          is not entitled to a patent containing claims 1, 3, 4, 15, 16,              
          18 and 19 corresponding to the count.  Junior party Mehrotra                


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