Ex parte YAMAMOTO et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2000-0301                                       Page 2           
          Application No. 08/690,402                                                  

               The appellants' invention relates to a disposable diaper               
          (specification, p. 1).  A copy of the claims under appeal is                
          set forth in the appendix to the appellants' brief.                         

               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Lawson                   4,695,278                     Sep. 22,             
          Enloe                    4,704,116                     Nov.  3,             
          Foreman                  4,738,677                     Apr. 19,             
          Igaue et al.             4,904,251                     Feb. 27,             
          Robertson                     5,026,364                     June            
          25, 1991                                                                    
          Kido                     GB        2,271,501                                
               Apr. 20, 1994                                                          

               Claims 1 to 7 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                  
          being unpatentable over Kido in view of Enloe, Lawson,                      
          Foreman, Igaue and Robertson.                                               

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