Ex parte MCALLISTER - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2000-0514                                                        
          Application No. 09/063,446                                                  

          extending outwardly parallel to one another from the open                   
          front face," with the shelving interacting with the hooks to                
          connect the shelving to the support posts.  The corresponding               
          structures in the Nicely assembly, tapered flanges 32, do not               
          constitute hooks.                                                           

               Champagne discloses a shelving system composed of corner               
          posts 3, a shelving unit 5, and a support collar 8 detachably               
          connected to each post for retaining the shelving unit.  Each               
          collar includes two parallel, upwardly extending hooks in the               
          form of side arms 15 having notches 17 therein for interacting              
          with inserts 25 on the shelving unit.                                       

               In rejecting claim 3 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a), the                     
          examiner has concluded that                                                 

               [i]t would have been obvious and well within the                       
               level of ordinary skill in the art to modify the                       
               structure of Nicely (‘626) to include the                              
               interconnecting structure of Champagne since such                      
               structures are alternative, conventional sleeve and                    
               interconnecting structure, used in the same intended                   
               purpose of providing a quick disconnect, thereby                       
               providing structure as claimed [answer, page 4].                       


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