Ex parte MCALLISTER - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2000-0514                                                        
          Application No. 09/063,446                                                  

               In order to meet the terms of claim 3, this proposed                   
          modification presumably would involve the reconfiguration of                
          Nicely's tapered flanges 32 into parallel, upwardly extending               
          hooks (along with a complementary reconfiguration of Nicely's               
          tapered corner piece slots 45) and the retention of Nicely's                
          split sleeve 18.  The combined teachings of Nicely and                      
          Champagne, however, would not have suggested this highly                    
          selective change in Nicely's shelf retaining structure.                     
          Although Champagne does indicate that the shelving system                   
          disclosed therein "does not require wedge-shaped inserts"                   
          (column 1, lines 32 and 33), thereby implying some                          
          disadvantage to tapered or frusto-conical wedging surfaces of               
          the sort disclosed by Nicely, there is nothing in this                      
          reference which would have motivated the artisan to eliminate               
          the wedging aspect of Nicely's flanges 32 by replacing them                 
          with parallel, upwardly extending hooks, while at the same                  
          time retaining the wedging aspects embodied by Nicely's split               
          sleeve 18.  The only suggestion for picking and choosing from               
          between Nicely and Champagne as the examiner has stems from                 
          impermissible hindsight knowledge derived from the appellant's              

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