CHILD et al. V. KOLAR et al. - Page 30

          Interference No. 102,408                                                    

               B.   Compound nos. 2-7                                                 
               The evidence relied on by junior party Child further                   
          fails to establish that any one of compound nos. 2-7, also                  
          alleged to fall within the scope of the count, was actually                 
          reduced to practice prior to the critical date.  As discussed               
          above, compound no. 1 was used to prepare each one of compound              
          nos. 2-7.  See KB10; CR370; CR375; CR379; CR384; CR391; CR393;              
          see also CR223 ("platinum complex 1a reacted with a series of               
          acids by the silver nitrate process to give the following                   
          complexes 1b-g").  Having failed to establish, by a                         
          preponderance of the evidence, that compound no. 1 was                      
          actually reduced to practice prior to the critical date,                    
          junior party Child has likewise failed to establish an actual               
          reduction to practice of any one of compound nos. 2-7 prior to              
          the critical date.                                                          

               C.   Conclusion                                                        
               For the reasons set forth above, the evidence relied on                
          by junior party Child fails to establish, by a preponderance                
          of the evidence, that a compound within the scope of the count              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007