CHILD et al. V. KOLAR et al. - Page 31

          Interference No. 102,408                                                    

          was actually reduced to practice prior to September 3, 1984.                
          Therefore, junior party Child's case for priority must fail.                

               Junior party Child takes issue with the fact that senior               
          party Kolar did not cross-examine junior party's declarants or              
          rebut certain declaration testimony.  However, it is of no                  
          moment that senior party failed to cross-examine junior party               
          Child's declarants.  The initial burden is on junior party to               
          establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, an actual                    
          reduction to practice of a compound within the scope of the                 
          count prior to the critical date.  Holmwood, 948 F.2d at 1238,              
          20 USPQ2d at 1714; Bosies, 27 F.3d at 541-42, 30 USPQ2d at                  
          1864.  For the reasons set forth above, Child has failed to                 
          satisfy that burden.                                                        
               Likewise, it is of no moment that the "Statement of                    
          Facts" section of senior party Kolar's brief may contain                    
          arguments.  See CRB1.  Child, as the junior party in this                   
          interference, bears the initial burden of establishing                      
          priority by a preponderance of the evidence.  Holmwood, 948                 
          F.2d at 1238, 20 USPQ2d at 1714; Bosies, 27 F.3d at 541-42, 30              
          USPQ2d at 1864.  Manifestly, if the junior party has not met                


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