Ex parte HIRAYAMA - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1996-1418                                                        
          Application No. 08/247,521                                                  

               Reference is made to the Examiner's Answer (Paper No. 21,              
          mailed November 15, 1995) for the examiner's complete                       
          reasoning in support of the rejection, and to appellant's                   
          Brief (Paper                                                                
          No. 20, filed August 16, 1995) for appellant's arguments                    
               As a preliminary matter, we note that appellant indicates              
          on page 3 of the Brief that the claims do not stand or fall                 
          together.  Appellant argues each of claims 1, 4, and 6                      
          separately, but not the remaining dependent claims.                         
          Therefore, we will treat the claims according to the following              
          three groups: (1) claims 1 through 3 and 7/(1-3), (2) claims                
          4, 5, and                                                                   
          7/(4, 5), and (3) claims 6 and 7/6.                                         
               We have carefully considered the claims, the applied                   
          prior art, and the respective positions articulated by                      
          appellant and the examiner.  As a consequence of our review,                
          we will affirm the rejection of claims 4, 5, and 7/(4, 5) and               
          reverse the rejection of claims 1 through 3, 6, and 7/(1-3,                 

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Last modified: November 3, 2007