Ex parte TREGILGAS - Page 6

              Appeal No. 1996-2086                                                                                        
              Application 08/255,588                                                                                      

              586, 587, 172 USPQ2d 524, 526 (CCPA 1972).                                                                  
                     Accordingly, the rejection is reversed.                                                              

                     Turning to the § 103 rejection, we find that the examiner is relying on (i) Fuller for               
              teaching “a process generally applicable to any semiconductor,” (ii) pp. 1-2 of the                         
              specification for teaching “that MCT [sic, mercury cadmium telluride ?] or CdTe [cadmium                    
              telluride] are desirably gettered from Copper in the prior art, and that Te is a known                      
              gettering agent for same,” and (iii) the Schaake abstract for teaching “that the gettering                  
              layer (Te) maybe [sic, may be] further covered with an inert, high melting capping layer                    
              (SiO ) during the heating/gettering step.”  Answer, pp. 3-4.  The examiner concludes that                   
                     it would be [sic, have been] obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to getter CdTe              
                     or MCT in the old manner of Fuller, and use Te as the gettering agent, optionally                    
                     with an inert capping layer [Answer, p. 4].                                                          
                     We find the examiner’s position lacks merit.                                                         
                     We point out that it is well settled that the examiner has the initial burden of                     
              establishing a prima facie case of obviousness.  In re Rijckaert, 9 F.3d 1531, 1532,                        
              28 USPQ2d 1955, 1956 (Fed. Cir. 1993);   In re Oetiker, 977 F.2d 1443, 1445,                                
              24 USPQ2d 1443, 1444 (Fed. Cir. 1992); In re Piasecki, 745 F.2d 1468, 1471-72,                              
              223 USPQ 785, 787-88 (Fed. Cir. 1984).  It is the examiner’s responsibility to show that                    


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