Ex parte WALKER - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1996-3433                                                        
          Application No. 08/198,955                                                  

               As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies on the                 
          following prior art references:                                             
          Aghnides                      2,633,343                Mar. 31,             
          Bond et al. (Bond)            4,123,220                Oct. 31,             
          Michel                        4,492,562                Jan. 8,              
               As evidence of nonobviousness, appellant relies on the                 
          following reference:                                                        
          Shumaker                      3,782,884                Jan. 1,              
          1974      Claims 8 through 10 and 13 through 15 stand rejected              
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over the combined                     
          disclosures of Bond, Michel and Aghnides.                                   
               We reverse.                                                            
               The claimed subject matter is directed to an apparatus                 
          comprising an acid gas burner and a processing reactor.  See                
          claim 8.  It is identical to that described in Bond, except                 
          that it employs a single continuous annular slot useful for                 
          providing an annular hydrogen sulfide gas flow, rather than                 
          concentric circular rows of nozzle apertures for supplying                  
          hydrogen sulfide gas jets.  See Specification, page 4.  It is               
          said to be an improvement over that described in Bond in that               
          (Specification, pages 3 and 4):                                             

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Last modified: November 3, 2007