Ex parte WALKER - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1996-3433                                                        
          Application No. 08/198,955                                                  

          continuous annular slot in the apparatus of the type described              
          in Bond.                                                                    
               Aghnides is no different from Michel.  Although Aghnides               
          is broadly directed to fluid mixing devices, its disclosure                 
          regarding slots 27 or apertures 37 is in the context of a                   
          conventional water faucet.  See Figures 1-5, in conjunction                 
          with column 2, line 26, to column 3, line 18.  Aghnides does                
          not describe its slots 27 as a single continuous annular slot.              
          Nor does Aghnides suggest the desirability of using its slots               
          27 in the apparatus of the type described in Bond.                          
               On this record, we simply cannot find any motivation or                
          suggestion to employ the claimed single continuous annular                  
          slot in the apparatus of the type described in Bond.  Gordon,               
          733 F.2d at 902, 221 USPQ at 1127.  To do so would destroy the              
          invention on which Bond is based.  See Ex parte Hartmann, 186               
          USPQ 366, 367 (Bd. App. 1974)(prior art references cannot                   
          properly be combined if effect would destroy invention on                   
          which one of the prior art references is based).                            
               For the above reasons, we conclude that the examiner has               
          not carried the burden of establishing a prima facie case of                
          obviousness of the invention recited in any of appellant’s                  


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