Ex Parte KRANTZ et al - Page 21

                Appeal No. 1996-3973                                                                                                         
                Application No. 08/048,657                                                                                                   

                                         means for determining the presence of an active species in a liquid                                 
                        sample, and                                                                                                          
                                         spreadability enhancing material means for causing a droplet of                                     
                        liquid to spread across a top surface of the reaction unit layer structure; and                                      
                                 a backing having an aperture therein, to which the reaction unit is affixed                                 
                        with the top surface contacting the backing, the spreadability enhancing material                                    
                        means serving to cause a droplet of liquid placed into the aperture to spread across                                 
                        the full extent of the aperture.                                                                                     
                                 14.  A method for preparing a test strip, comprising the steps of:                                          
                                 providing a porous substrate;                                                                               
                                 providing an indicator solution containing the indicator DMAB [3-                                           
                        dimethylaminobenzoic acid], the indicator solution having a sufficiently low                                         
                        viscosity that it is penetrable into the porous substrate;                                                           
                                 introducing the indicator solution into the porous substrate;                                               
                                 drying the indicator solution within the porous substrate;                                                  
                                 providing a reactive reagent solution containing a reagent selected from                                    
                        the group consisting of glucose oxidase and peroxidase, the solution having a                                        
                        sufficiently high viscosity that it is not penetrable into the porous substrate;                                     
                                 applying the reactive reagent solution as a reactive reagent layer to a                                     
                        surface of the porous substrate;                                                                                     
                                 drying the reactive reagent within the reactive reagent layer; and                                          
                                 attaching the porous substrate to a backing having an aperture                                              
                        therethrough, with the applied layer adjacent to the backing and the porous                                          
                        substrate remote from the backing.                                                                                   
                                 15.  The method of claim 14, wherein the step of providing a reactive                                       
                        reagent solution includes the step of                                                                                
                                 mixing a spreading solution into the reagent solution.                                                      
                                 16.  The method of claim 14, including the additional steps, after the step                                 
                        of drying the reactive reagent and before the step of attaching the porous substrate,                                
                                 providing a spreading solution containing a spreading agents; and                                           
                                 applying the spreading solution as a spreading layer to the reactive reagent                                

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