Ex parte BARANOV et al. - Page 3

            Appeal No. 1997-0878                                                                              
            Application 07/834,523                                                                            

                   As stated by the examiner at page 3 of the Examiner's Answer, the method of claim          
            22 on appeal differs from that described from Baranoy by “adding an exogenous                     
            prokaryotic RNA polymerase to the vessel to transcribe the DNA instead of relying on the          
            RNA polymerase in the cell extract, and by using a [sic, an] eukaryotic cell extract instead      
            of an E. coli (prokaryotic) cell extract.”  The examiner relies upon Krieg to account for these   
                   Having considered Baranoy and Krieg together, we disagree with the examiner's              
            conclusion that one of ordinary skill in the art would have found the subject matter of claim     
            22 obvious from a consideration of these two references.  In essence, the examiner                
            proposes to add an RNA polymerase to the cell free system of Baranoy and replace the              
            prokaryotic cell extract in Baranoy with a eukaryotic cell extract.  While Krieg does             
            describe the use of an RNA polymerase such as SP6 RNA polymerase in a eukaryotic cell             
            extract, we do not find that the references support the modifications to Baranoy proposed         
            by the examiner.  While Krieg does use SP6 RNA polymerase for a transcription, the                
            transcription takes place away from the cell extract which will be used in support of in vitro    
            translation.  Baranoy discusses a similar system in the paragraph bridging pages 463-64,          
            i.e., the use of mRNA pre-synthesized using SP6 RNA polymerase.                                   


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Last modified: November 3, 2007