Ex parte GREEN et al. - Page 2

             Appeal No. 1997-1448                                                                                  
             Application 08/097,140                                                                                

             The invention is directed to a curable prepeg consisting essentially of at least                      
             two superposed sheets of woven reinforcing fabric which are both impregnated with a                   
             solid curable resin and contained within a sheet matrix of a solid curable resin                      
             THE CLAIM                                                                                             
             Claim 13 is illustrative of appellants’ invention and is reproduced below.                            
                    13.   A curable prepreg consisting essentially of a multi-ply fabric layer,                    
             which comprises at least two superposed sheets of woven reinforcing fabric,                           
             impregnated by,                                                                                       
             and contained within a sheet matrix of, a solid curable resin composition.                            

             THE REFERENCE OF RECORD                                                                               
             As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies upon the following reference.                         
             Letterman                         4,622,091                  Nov. 11, 1986                            
             THE REJECTION                                                                                         
                    Claims 13 through 15 and 18 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                      
             unpatentable over Letterman.                                                                          
                    We have carefully considered all of the arguments advanced by appellants and                   
             the examiner, and agree with the appellants that the aforementioned rejection under                   
             35 U.S.C. § 103 is not well founded.  Accordingly, we do not sustain the examiner's                   
             The Rejection under § 103                                                                             


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Last modified: November 3, 2007