Ex parte GREEN et al. - Page 5

             Appeal No. 1997-1448                                                                                  
             Application 08/097,140                                                                                


             The rejection of claims 13 through 15 and 18 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                           

             unpatentable over Letterman is reversed.                                                              

             The decision of the examiner is reversed.                                                             

                          Charles F. Warren               )                                                       
                    Administrative Patent Judge  )                                                                 
                           Thomas A. Waltz                ) BOARD OF PATENT                                        
                           Administrative Patent Judge  )    APPEALS AND                                           
                                              )  INTERFERENCES                                                    
                    Paul Lieberman                   )                                                             
                           Administrative Patent Judge  )                                                          



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Last modified: November 3, 2007