Ex parte SMITH et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1997-1907                                       Page 9           
          Application No. 08/265,369                                                  

          the polyisocyanate mixture of Example 1 together with 2,2-bis-              
          (hydroxymethyl)-propionic acid (DMPA) and N-methyl pyrrolidone              
               From our perspective, the particularly identified and                  
          isolated teachings of Mosbach, regarding the use of an                      
          isocyanate dimer in a polyisocyanate mixture that is dispersed              
          in water and used as a coating film, and with the teachings of              
          Coogan, regarding the formation of a water dispersible                      
          polyurethane made from a water-dispersible polyurethane                     
          prepolymer, an organic polyisocyanate and a chain extender,                 
          taken together with the examiner’s obviousness statements do                
          not render appellants’ claimed composition and process of                   
          making the same prima facie obvious.                                        
               This is so since the examiner has not particularly                     
          addressed how the teachings of Mosbach regarding particular                 
          polyisocyanate mixtures would have suggested a modification of              
          the prepolymer reactant of Coogan which is formed from a                    
          specified polyol, a specified compound containing a                         
          hydrophillic center and diisocyanate, or suggested a                        
          modification of the separately identified organic                           
          polyisocyanate reactant (b) of Coogan in a manner so as to                  

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