Ex parte BISHOP - Page 3

          Appeal 1997-2375                                                            
          Application 08/376,282                                                      

          finding, the examiner concluded that it would have been                     
          obvious to use for that utility a combination of (1) the Jex                
          "amine" and (2) the Plueddemann composition comprising a (a)                
          coupling agent and (b) a disilyl crosslinker.  In support of                
          the rejection, the examiner relies on In re Kerkoven, 626 F.2d              
          846, 850, 205 USPQ 1069, 1072 (CCPA 1980) (it is generally                  
          prima facie obvious to combine two compositions each of which               
          is taught by the prior art to be useful for the same purpose                
          in order to form a third composition which is also used for                 
          that purpose).                                                              
               Although it might be debatable, we will assume that the                
          examiner is correct in finding that the Jex "amine" and                     
          Plueddemann composition have the same utility.  We disagree,                
          however, that the rationale of Kerkoven applies to the facts                
          of this case.  The disilyl crosslinker of Plueddemann is just               
          that; it reacts with the coupling agent through the OR groups.              
          The same would be true of the Jex "amine" which also has OR                 
          groups.  Thus, we do not have a case where an applicant has                 
          mixed known ingredients to make a mixture of discrete                       
          ingredients having a utility similar to the utility of each of              
          the ingredients.  When the Jex "amine" is mixed with the                    

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