Ex parte BATES - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 1997-2444                                                                                                                   
                 Application 08/248,941                                                                                                                 

                 page 4).                                                                                                                               
                                   Claims 20-22  stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102 as3                                                                                              
                 being anticipated by Higashimoto.  We reverse this rejection                                                                           
                 for reasons which follow.                                                                                                              

                                   We have carefully considered all of the arguments                                                                    
                 advanced by appellant and the examiner and agree with                                                                                  
                 appellant that the aforementioned rejection is not well                                                                                
                 Accordingly, we reverse the stated § 102 rejection.                                                                                    
                                   Under 35 U.S.C. § 102, every limitation of a claim                                                                   
                 must be identically described in a single prior art reference                                                                          
                 for it                                                                                                                                 
                 to anticipate the claim.  See In re Bond, 910 F.2d 831, 832,                                                                           
                 15 USPQ2d 1566, 1567 (Fed. Cir. 1990).  Moreover, it is well                                                                           
                 settled that the examiner bears the initial burden of                                                                                  
                 presenting a prima facie case of unpatentability.  In re                                                                               

                          3We note that the physical entry of the amendment filed                                                                       
                 August 14, 1995 (Paper No. 10) has not, as yet, been                                                                                   

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