Ex parte BATES - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-2444                                                        
          Application 08/248,941                                                      

          Spada, 911 F.2d 705, 707 n.3, 15 USPQ2d 1655, 1657 n.3 (Fed.                
          Cir. 1990).                                                                 
                    Appellant’s claim 20, which is the only independent               
          claim on appeal, requires that the cathode comprise “an                     
          amorphous metal-oxide layer having a submicron                              
          microstructure.”  The examiner takes the position that the                  
          cathode of Higashimoto inherently has “a packed submicron                   
          microstructure, even if only on the atomic level” (answer,                  
          page 3).  Moreover, the examiner urges that Higashimoto (page               
          5, lines 5-18 and page 6,       lines 24-26) discloses an                   
          amorphous metal oxide cathode layer.                                        
                    The examiner’s argument is not persuasive because                 
          the examiner has not established that Higashimoto necessarily               
          produces a cathode with a submicron microstructure                          
          to appellant’s cathode microstructure.  In this regard, we                  
          note that appellant defines the claimed submicron                           
          microstructure as requiring a submicron grain size structure                
          as depicted in   figure 4(b) of the drawings and as described               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007