Ex parte BULARCA - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-2836                                                        
          Application No. 08/106,009                                                  

               Claim 1 (method of manufacture) and claim 17 (laminated                
          product) are reproduced below as illustrative of the diversity              
          of subject matter encompassed by the appealed claims:                       
               1.  A method for manufacture of a laminated                            
          assembly               comprising the steps of:                             
               forming at least one notch along an edge of at                         
          least               one lamination;                                         
               positioning the laminations between at least two                       
          chocks of a die wherein said at least one notch                             
          frictionally engages one of said at least two                               
                    chocks to support the at last one lamination                      
                    against a press fit bonding force during a                        
          subsequent bonding step;                                                    
               press fit bonding the laminations together to form                     
          a               laminated assembly; and                                     
               removing the laminated assembly from between the                       
                    17.  A laminated assembly, comprising a plurality                 
          of       laminations connected to each other by successively                
               pressing laminations against a stack of previously                     
                   pressed together laminations frictionally held                    
          temporarily between at least two chocks of a                                
          die during manufacture, wherein each lamination                             
          includes an edge having at least one notch means                            
          for frictionally engaging solely during manufacture                         
          one of said at least two chocks as the                                      
          are being pressed together.                                                 


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