Ex parte BULARCA - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1997-2836                                                        
          Application No. 08/106,009                                                  

          light of the opposing positions advanced on appeal, we agree                
          with appellant that the examiner has not established a prima                
          facie case of obviousness with regard to the appealed claims.               
          Accordingly, we cannot sustain the rejections applied by the                
               Initially, we note that claims 17-21 and 24-25 are in a                
          ˇproduct-by-process˘ format, but have not been separately                   
          addressed by the examiner.  Rather, the examiner has grouped                
          these claims with the method claims in his outstanding                      
          rejections.  The examiner’s fundamental position is that it                 
          would have been obvious within the ambit of 35 U.S.C. § 103 to              
          apply the current chock and die ˇpress fit bonding˘ procedure               
          in manufacturing the laminated assemblies of Radtke, Frank and              
          Mittermaier and, in so doing, one of ordinary skill in the art              
          would ˇof necessity˘ recognize that the chocks should engage                
          the laminations at the notched regions.                                     
               We disagree with the examiner essentially for the reasons              
          stated in appellant’s Brief and Reply Brief.  In appellant’s                
          claimed method, the position of the lamination notches is                   
          specifically associated with the chocks of a die so that the                
          notches engage a chock.  As we see it, the notches in the                   

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