Ex parte BABEL et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-2977                                                        
          Application No. 08/431,688                                                  

               Claim 1 is illustrative of the claims on appeal and is                 
          reproduced below:                                                           
                    1.  A substrate containing a thermal control                      
               coating having protected optical properties for use                    
               in low earth orbit outer space environments and                        
               which comprises                                                        
                    a non-ferrous metal substrate which does not                      
               have any substantial amount of surface reflectance,                    
               and which would thereby have a higher solar                            
               absorptance than it would otherwise have in absence                    
               of said thermal control coating,                                       
                    a porous inorganic white paint thermal control                    
               coating on a surface of said substrate, said coating                   
               having low solar absorptance and high infrared                         
                    a fluoropolymer protective topcoat applied to                     
               said inorganic white paint coating in a high                           
               temperature application while maintaining the                          
               substrate at a relatively cool temperature to avoid                    
               structural damage to the substrate, said topcoat                       
               being at least partially impregnated into the pores                    
               of the porous thermal control coating, said topcoat                    
               being applied with sufficient thickness to protect                     
               the optical properties of the paint coating from                       
               darkening and otherwise being degraded by                              
               contaminants in a low-earth orbit outer space                          
               environment, said topcoat also having substantially                    
               no significant effect on the optical properties of                     
               said thermal control coating other than to protect                     
               same and having substantial adhesion to said                           
               inorganic white coating and being resistant to                         
               darkening under ultraviolet exposure in the outer                      
               space environment, and                                                 
                    said protective topcoat also having properties                    
               so that it is slowly eroded in a low earth orbit                       
               outer space environment thereby reducing                               
               contamination on said substrate and also                               
               withstanding thermal cycles of an outer space                          
               environment, but being sufficiently durable to                         

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