Ex parte PARIKH et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-2988                                                        
          Application No. 08/045,499                                                  

               The disclosed invention relates to a method and apparatus              
          for filling in a form with a data processing system.                        
               Claims 1 and 11 are illustrative of the claimed                        
          invention, and they read as follows:                                        
               1.   A method of filling in a form with a data processing              
               system, comprising the steps of:                                       
                    a) providing a paper path with a scanner located                  
                    upstream from a means for printing on paper;                      
                    b) locating said form on said paper path;                         
                    c) locating a segment of said form adjacent to said               
                    d) scanning said segment of said form with said                   
          scanner and displaying said scanned segment on said data                    
          processing     system;                                                      
                    e) accepting information in selected locations on                 
          said      scanned segment;                                                  
                    f) maintaining said form on said paper path and                   
                    advancing said form along said paper path so as to                
          move said      scanned segment from said scanner to said means              
          for printing on paper;                                                      
                    g) printing said information in said selected                     
          locations      on said scanned segment with said means for                  
          printing on    paper and repeating steps c)-g) with a next                  
          segment until       said form has been completed.                           


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