Ex parte LUNA et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-3388                                       Page 3           
          Application No. 08/060,767                                                  

          1.   In combination with a float-zone apparatus for                         
               processing a silicon element, the apparatus                            
               having an RF induction coil heater and an element                      
               holder and a seed holder aligned vertically above                      
               and below the RF induction coil heater, the element                    
                    holder being adapted to hold one end of a silicon                 
                    element and the seed holder being adapted to hold a               
                    seed crystal of silicon, means for positioning the                
                    element holder relative to the RF induction coil                  
               heater to bring the free end of the silicon element                    
                    into proximity with the RF induction coil heater to               
                    melt the free end of the silicon element forming a                
                    molten zone, and means for positioning the seed                   
          holder    relative to the RF induction coil heater so that the              
                    seed crystal contacts and fuses with the molten                   
          zone,          and means for varying the relative position of               
          the RF         induction coil heater to the silicon element                 
          such that      the molten zone is moved along the length of the             
                         silicon element, the improvement comprising: a               
                         cylindrical susceptor positionable around the                
               end of the silicon element.                                            
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Ayel                          3,935,059            Jan. 27,                 
          Great Britain (G.B. ‘827)    1,081,827             Sep. 06,                 
          (Published Great Britain Patent Application)                                
               Claims 1-6 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being               
          unpatentable over G.B. ‘827 in view of Ayel.                                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007