Ex parte LUNA et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-3388                                       Page 4           
          Application No. 08/060,767                                                  

               Upon careful consideration of the opposing arguments                   
          presented on appeal, we concur with appellants that the                     
          has not established a prima facie case of obviousness of the                
          claimed subject matter.  Accordingly, we will not sustain the               
          examiner's rejection.                                                       
               The examiner explicitly acknowledges that G.B. ‘827 does               
          not disclose the claimed cylindrical susceptor in combination               
          with the recited float-zone apparatus (answer, page 3).                     
          Additionally, the examiner suggests that the short-circuit                  
          ring apparatus of Ayel would have to be modified to correspond              
          to the claimed cylindrical susceptor (answer, page 3).                      
          According to the examiner, it would have been obvious to one                
          of ordinary skill in the art to modify the short-circuit ring               
          apparatus of Ayel to correspond to the claimed cylindrical                  
          susceptor.  The examiner reasons “[t]he motivation being that               
          the short-circuit ring (4) could function as susceptor (9) of               
          the instant claims, which would help the uniform effectiveness              
          of the heating coil’s preheating of the free end of the                     
          silicon element” (sentence bridging pages 3 and 4 of the                    
          answer) (emphasis in original).                                             

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