Ex parte HAMLEY - Page 4

                 Appeal No. 1997-3822                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/406,668                                                                                                             

                 lines 31-36).  Apparently based on Nagata's suggestion that                                                                            
                 the telephone device at the receiving end can take the form of                                                                         
                 a device 3 or a device 3' (col. 8, lines 57-65),  the examiner                        2                                                
                 contends (Answer at 4) that it would have been obvious to                                                                              
                 replace transmitting device 3' of Figure 6 with a device like                                                                          
                 device 3, which includes a handset, keypad, and indicator lamp                                                                         
                 and thus is capable of being used to receive ordinary                                                                                  
                 telephone calls.  Hereinafter, the device that replaced device                                                                         
                 3' will be referred to as "the receiving telephone device" and                                                                         
                 the other device as "the transmitting telephone device."                                                                               
                 However, the card at the receiving end will continue to be                                                                             
                 identified as 1'.                                                                                                                      
                         Each of the telephone devices 3 also includes an                                                                              
                 indicator lamp 34 which "serves to indicate the operation                                                                              
                 state of the transmitting and receiving apparatus 3.  For                                                                              
                 example, the indication lamp 34 blinks during the transmission                                                                         
                 or reception of the message or it is turned on when the                                                                                
                 transmission or reception by the card is completed."  (Col. 7,                                                                         

                                   2In view of this suggestion, the examiner need not                                                                   
                 have argued (Answer at 4) that it would have been obvious to                                                                           
                 replace device 3' with a device like device 3.                                                                                         


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