Ex parte CAMERON et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-3973                                                        
          Application No. 08/366,561                                                  

               The disclosed invention relates to an integrated circuit               
          for interfacing to a disk drive having at least one                         
          magnetoresistive sensing element.  The disclosed invention                  
          also relates to a  method for sensing voltages from the                     
          magnetoresistive sensing element.                                           
               Claims 1 and 19 are illustrative of the claimed                        
          invention, and they read as follows:                                        
               1.   An integrated circuit for interfacing to a disk                   
          drive     having at least one magnetoresistive sensing                      
          element,       comprising:                                                  
                    a current generator connected to drive a bias                     
          current across said magnetoresistive sensing element;                       
                    connections for transferring the AC voltage on                    
               said magnetoresistive sensing element through one or more              
               coupling capacitors, to provide a differential AC voltage              
                    a preamplifier connected to receive and amplify said              
               differential AC voltage signal;                                        
                    a shorting switch connected to selectably short                   
               out said differential voltage signal at the inputs to                  
          said      preamplifier; and                                                 
                    logic connected to activate said shorting switch for              
               a limited time when said current generator turns on, said              
               logic consisting of a one-shot connected to be activated               
          by transitions, on a read/write mode-select line, from a                    
          state     which indicates write mode to a state which                       
          indicates read      mode;                                                   
                    whereby said shorting switch discharges the DC                    

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Last modified: November 3, 2007