Ex parte DUNBAR et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-0560                                                        
          Application 08/527,957                                                      

               We refer to the Final Rejection (Paper No. 10) (pages                  
          referred to as "FR__") and the Examiner's Answer (Paper                     
          No. 18) (pages referred to as "EA__") for a statement of the                
          Examiner's position and to the Appeal Brief (Paper No. 17)                  
          (pages referred to as "Br__") and the Reply Brief (Paper                    
          No. 19) for a statement of Appellants' arguments                            
               As a preliminary matter, it appears that there is a                    
          problem under 35 U.S.C. § 112, fourth paragraph, with                       
          respect to claims 2-7, 10-15, and 17-22.  Section 112,                      
          fourth paragraph, requires that a dependent claim further                   
          limit the claim from which it depends.  Claims 2, 9, and 17                 
          recite that the central hub member has a diameter of 24.9                   
          mm, while claims 3-7, 11-15, and 18-22, which depend                        
          therefrom, recite diameters of greater than 24.9 mm.  Thus,                 
          claims 3-7, 11-15, and 18-22 are inconsistent with and do                   
          not further limit claims 3-7, 11-15, and 18-22.  We leave it                
          to the Examiner to address this problem.                                    
               The Examiner acknowledges that "Kato et al do not                      
          disclose the size of the hub, the central hub member, or the                

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